UTzone Stats

Chat Log for *** UTzone.de *** iCTF | by DNW - DM-KBarge
on Thu, 28. May 2009 at 20:50:59
Minutes Player Text
-0.27 Taper759 Connected
-0.27 HoSe_Kiev Connected
-0.27 arthcronos Connected
-0.17 Taper759 Disconnected
0.00 Game Start
0.02 sentory2610 Connected
0.16 sentory2610 Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
0.25 arthcronos Killed sentory2610 with an InstaGibbed
0.47 sentory2610 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
0.56 HoSe_Kiev Killed sentory2610 with an InstaGibbed
0.68 arthcronos Killed sentory2610 with an InstaGibbed
0.88 sentory2610 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
1.30 sentory2610 Suicided
1.30 sentory2610 Disconnected
1.40 HoSe_Kiev Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
1.50 arthcronos Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
1.86 gpeter Connected
2.11 T-600Bishop Connected
2.25 arthcronos Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
2.28 Levela Connected
2.59 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
2.62 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
2.78 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
2.87 HoSe_Kiev Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
2.92 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
2.96 arthcronos Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
3.00 arthcronos Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
3.14 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
3.24 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
3.30 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
3.46 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
3.51 HoSe_Kiev Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
3.59 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
3.62 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
3.73 arthcronos Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
3.73 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
3.80 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
4.02 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
4.08 arthcronos Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
4.17 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
4.27 T-600Bishop Fell to their death
4.33 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
4.45 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
4.62 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
4.70 Tom575 Connected
4.91 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
4.97 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
5.00 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
5.02 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
5.08 HoSe_Kiev Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
5.18 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
5.23 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
5.29 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
5.32 arthcronos Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
5.43 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
5.46 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
5.49 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
5.59 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
5.61 Tom575 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
5.85 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
5.89 Tom575 Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
5.92 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
5.92 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
5.96 gpeter Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
6.09 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
6.12 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
6.14 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
6.27 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
6.35 gpeter Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
6.38 HoSe_Kiev Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
6.46 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
6.47 gpeter Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
6.52 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
6.60 HoSe_Kiev Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
6.63 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
6.68 HoSe_Kiev Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
6.79 HoSe_Kiev Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
6.79 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
6.81 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
6.88 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
6.92 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
6.94 HoSe_Kiev Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
6.99 HoSe_Kiev Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
7.02 Tom575 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.07 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
7.09 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
7.14 Tom575 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.18 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.18 Ronnez Connected
7.22 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
7.27 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.29 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
7.33 gpeter Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
7.35 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
7.42 gpeter Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
7.45 Ronnez Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
7.56 Levela Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
7.63 gpeter Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.70 Ronnez Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
7.73 HoSe_Kiev Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
7.73 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
7.82 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
7.85 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
7.86 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
7.99 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
8.09 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
8.12 T-600Bishop Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
8.25 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
8.32 Tom575 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
8.33 peppe212 Connected
8.34 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
8.40 peppe212 Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
8.41 HoSe_Kiev Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
8.45 Levela Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
8.51 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
8.62 Ronnez Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
8.66 Ronnez Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
8.68 T-600Bishop Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
8.68 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
8.70 Ronnez Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
8.82 gpeter Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
8.91 Tom575 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
8.97 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
8.98 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
9.03 peppe212 Killed HoSe_Kiev with an InstaGibbed
9.05 HoSe_Kiev Disconnected
9.06 Levela Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
9.15 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
9.18 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
9.23 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
9.23 peppe212 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
9.27 Ronnez Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
9.29 peppe212 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
9.35 T-600Bishop Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
9.42 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
9.47 Levela Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
9.52 Ronnez Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
9.57 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
9.72 Levela jól tolod
9.76 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
9.78 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
9.81 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
9.88 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
9.97 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
10.11 Ronnez Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
10.14 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
10.17 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
10.20 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
10.22 Ronnez Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
10.28 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
10.31 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
10.37 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
10.38 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
10.40 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
10.51 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
10.52 T-600Bishop Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
10.53 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
10.58 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
10.61 Ronnez Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
10.64 T-600Bishop Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
10.66 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
10.67 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
10.73 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
10.76 Tom575 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
10.76 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
10.90 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
11.01 peppe212 Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
11.03 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
11.11 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
11.16 Levela Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
11.17 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
11.19 T-600Bishop Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
11.25 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
11.26 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
11.27 Ronnez Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
11.30 peppe212 Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
11.36 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
11.43 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
11.55 peppe212 Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
11.58 peppe212 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
11.64 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
11.69 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
11.70 peppe212 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
11.74 Tom575 Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
11.78 gpeter Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
11.79 T-600Bishop Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
11.85 GrogMyzer Connected
11.88 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
11.92 peppe212 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
11.95 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
11.99 gpeter Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
12.03 GrogMyzer Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
12.07 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
12.09 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
12.12 Levela Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
12.13 Ronnez Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
12.20 Ronnez Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
12.23 GrogMyzer Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
12.28 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
12.30 GrogMyzer Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
12.42 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
12.45 Tom575 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
12.46 peppe212 Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
12.50 GrogMyzer Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
12.52 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
12.54 Levela Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
12.57 Levela Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
12.58 peppe212 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
12.66 Levela Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
12.75 Ronnez Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
12.77 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
12.80 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
12.82 Levela Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
12.83 Tom575 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
12.92 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
12.96 peppe212 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
12.96 GrogMyzer Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
12.99 T-600Bishop Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
13.01 T-600Bishop Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
13.11 Levela lol beszorultam 3 közé :D
13.11 gpeter Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
13.13 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
13.18 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
13.22 gpeter Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
13.24 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
13.29 gpeter Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
13.29 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
13.34 peppe212 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
13.36 Tom575 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
13.43 Levela Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
13.45 gpeter Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
13.51 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
13.53 GrogMyzer Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
13.58 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
13.62 Tom575 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
13.64 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
13.67 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
13.72 T-600Bishop Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
13.88 peppe212 Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
13.88 GrogMyzer Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
13.91 T-600Bishop Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
13.95 peppe212 Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
13.97 gpeter Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
13.99 gpeter Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
14.08 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
14.11 GrogMyzer Killed Levela with an InstaGibbed
14.11 Tom575 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
14.14 GrogMyzer Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
14.29 Tom575 Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
14.29 Levela Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
14.33 Levela Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
14.33 peppe212 Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
14.39 Levela Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
14.44 T-600Bishop Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
14.46 Levela Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
14.52 Tom575 Killed GrogMyzer with an InstaGibbed
14.61 Levela Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
14.67 T-600Bishop Killed gpeter with an InstaGibbed
14.69 Levela Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
14.74 GrogMyzer Killed Tom575 with an InstaGibbed
14.78 gpeter Killed arthcronos with an InstaGibbed
14.79 peppe212 Killed T-600Bishop with an InstaGibbed
14.84 peppe212 Killed Ronnez with an InstaGibbed
14.85 Tom575 Killed peppe212 with an InstaGibbed
14.85 Game Ended
15.03 GrogMyzer Whohoooo!
15.28 Levela maradunk?

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