UTzone Stats

Chat Log for *** UTzone.de *** iCTF | by DNW - DM-Deimos
on Wed, 11. Mar 2009 at 17:26:52
Minutes Player Text
-0.00 pft horrible map
0.00 Game Start
0.01 hfucker Connected
0.01 theyarecoming4u Connected
0.01 hdecay Connected
0.01 xSonfire Connected
0.01 Alienoid Connected
0.01 Khytau Connected
0.01 Terahertz Connected
0.14 xSonfire Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
0.18 xSonfire Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
0.21 Vanilleknight Connected
0.26 hdecay you might be right
0.29 Alienoid Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
0.45 Terahertz Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
0.45 Khytau Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
0.49 froggerfrag Connected
0.51 hfucker Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
0.52 Vanilleknight Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
0.56 hfucker Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
0.58 Khytau Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
0.69 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
0.75 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
0.76 hfucker Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
0.80 hdecay Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
0.82 Viru$ Connected
0.86 Khytau Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
0.91 Khytau Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
0.93 Viru$ Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
0.95 xSonfire Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
0.95 Viru$ Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
1.00 Terahertz betrayal with no blue alt fire? :s
1.04 Vanilleknight werden mir die punkte wieder abgezogen bei rache?
1.05 theyarecoming4u Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
1.06 Khytau Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
1.15 Terahertz Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
1.18 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
1.29 xSonfire Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
1.32 Viru$ Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
1.33 theyarecoming4u Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
1.41 Terahertz Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
1.44 Viru$ Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
1.48 Vanilleknight Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
1.48 Khytau Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
1.54 hdecay Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
1.54 hfucker Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
1.58 Viru$ Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
1.68 Vanilleknight Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
1.69 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
1.81 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
1.84 Vanilleknight Fell to their death
1.97 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
1.98 Terahertz Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
2.05 theyarecoming4u Killed hfucker with an UTDmgType_TurretPrimary
2.10 froggerfrag Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
2.17 Terahertz Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
2.24 Alienoid Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
2.27 Vanilleknight Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
2.31 Vanilleknight Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
2.36 Khytau Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
2.38 hdecay Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
2.42 hfucker Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
2.46 hdecay Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
2.56 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
2.56 Nylar Connected
2.57 Alienoid Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
2.59 froggerfrag Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
2.61 Nylar Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
2.68 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
2.70 Khytau Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
2.72 froggerfrag Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
2.73 hdecay Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
2.82 Terahertz Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
2.85 Viru$ Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
2.86 froggerfrag Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
2.88 Terahertz Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
2.92 Terahertz Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
2.93 froggerfrag Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
2.98 mcburn Connected
3.02 Nylar Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
3.05 hdecay Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
3.07 Vanilleknight Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
3.07 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
3.10 froggerfrag Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
3.17 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
3.18 Viru$ Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
3.19 Nylar Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
3.21 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
3.26 froggerfrag Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
3.29 xSonfire Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
3.32 Viru$ Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
3.33 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
3.35 xSonfire Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
3.36 Alienoid Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
3.42 mcburn Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
3.46 theyarecoming4u Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
3.50 theyarecoming4u Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
3.51 froggerfrag Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
3.53 hdecay Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
3.59 Nylar Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
3.67 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
3.68 Alienoid Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
3.72 Nylar Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
3.75 theyarecoming4u Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
3.77 Khytau Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
3.77 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
3.79 hdecay Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
3.79 Viru$ Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
3.83 Alienoid Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
3.86 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
3.93 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
3.93 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
3.94 Terahertz Fell to their death
3.94 Alienoid Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
3.99 Nylar Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
3.99 Viru$ Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
4.01 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
4.05 Khytau Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
4.07 Khytau Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
4.08 Vanilleknight your name should be froggerfreak
4.11 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
4.16 Viru$ Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
4.21 hfucker Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
4.25 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
4.29 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
4.37 hfucker Fell to their death
4.37 xSonfire Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
4.39 hfucker oops
4.42 Terahertz Fell to their death
4.43 theyarecoming4u Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
4.45 Viru$ Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
4.45 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
4.47 Terahertz Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
4.52 xSonfire Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
4.58 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
4.62 hdecay Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
4.62 Nylar Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
4.63 Viru$ Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
4.70 Terahertz Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
4.75 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
4.77 hfucker Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
4.77 hdecay Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
4.80 hfucker Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
4.85 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
4.89 Alienoid Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
4.93 froggerfrag Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
4.97 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
5.04 theyarecoming4u Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
5.08 Nylar Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
5.10 Terahertz Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
5.16 hfucker Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
5.20 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.22 mcburn Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
5.25 Terahertz Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
5.28 Terahertz Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.29 froggerfrag Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
5.30 Nylar Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
5.30 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
5.35 froggerfrag Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
5.41 Viru$ Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
5.43 hfucker Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
5.44 Viru$ Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
5.47 hfucker Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.56 hfucker Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
5.56 Khytau Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
5.57 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
5.58 Vanilleknight Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
5.63 Vanilleknight Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
5.65 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.73 Terahertz Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
5.74 Nylar Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
5.74 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.77 froggerfrag Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
5.80 Terahertz Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
5.83 Terahertz Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
5.87 hfucker Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
5.89 Vanilleknight Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
5.90 theyarecoming4u Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
5.95 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
5.96 Nylar Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
6.02 Khytau Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
6.04 Terahertz Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
6.10 Viru$ Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
6.10 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
6.11 hfucker Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
6.13 Khytau Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
6.20 Vanilleknight Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
6.20 xSonfire Killed hdecay with an InstaGibbed
6.25 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
6.29 hdecay Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
6.32 xSonfire Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
6.47 theyarecoming4u Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
6.49 Khytau Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
6.53 Khytau Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
6.59 hdecay Suicided
6.59 hdecay Disconnected
6.60 Terahertz Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
6.65 mcburn Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
6.68 Terahertz Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
6.78 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
6.79 hfucker Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
6.82 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
6.82 hfucker Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
6.86 mcburn Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
6.88 Nylar Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
6.89 hfucker Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
6.97 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
7.00 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
7.03 xSonfire Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
7.04 mcburn Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
7.05 froggerfrag Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
7.05 Terahertz Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
7.08 hfucker Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
7.09 Terahertz Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
7.11 Alienoid Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
7.15 Alienoid Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
7.17 Khytau Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
7.31 Viru$ Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
7.31 Alienoid Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
7.40 xSonfire Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
7.42 Nylar Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
7.43 Vanilleknight Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
7.51 hfucker Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
7.53 Khytau Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
7.59 mcburn Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
7.63 Alienoid Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
7.63 Vanilleknight Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
7.66 theyarecoming4u Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
7.71 Nylar Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
7.75 Terahertz Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
7.78 Vanilleknight Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
7.84 Viru$ Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
7.85 Alienoid Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
7.86 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
7.91 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
7.95 TecErazer Connected
7.96 xSonfire Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
7.99 Viru$ Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
8.04 hfucker Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
8.04 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
8.06 hfucker Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
8.07 xSonfire Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
8.11 hfucker Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
8.14 theyarecoming4u Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
8.16 froggerfrag Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
8.25 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
8.26 TecErazer Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
8.26 Viru$ Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
8.27 xSonfire Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
8.31 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
8.31 Alienoid Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
8.33 Vanilleknight Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
8.36 TecErazer Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
8.37 Alienoid Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
8.42 theyarecoming4u Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
8.42 Nylar Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
8.43 Viru$ Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
8.45 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
8.52 froggerfrag Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
8.57 hfucker Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
8.60 Khytau Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
8.67 theyarecoming4u Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
8.71 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
8.73 Nylar Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
8.77 TecErazer Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
8.83 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
8.85 Viru$ Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
8.94 theyarecoming4u Killed Terahertz with an InstaGibbed
8.95 xSonfire Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
9.02 Nylar Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
9.03 Terahertz Suicided
9.03 Terahertz Disconnected
9.03 xSonfire Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
9.04 mcburn Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
9.11 hfucker Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
9.20 theyarecoming4u Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
9.21 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
9.23 Alienoid Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
9.28 mcburn Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
9.31 Nylar Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
9.37 TecErazer Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
9.39 froggerfrag Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
9.42 Nylar Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
9.43 Viru$ Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
9.46 TecErazer Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
9.48 mcburn Fell to their death
9.52 TecErazer Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
9.55 TecErazer Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
9.57 Khytau Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
9.62 Vanilleknight Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
9.62 mcburn Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
9.66 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
9.71 mcburn Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
9.72 hfucker Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
9.72 Viru$ Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
9.74 mcburn Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
9.77 Nylar Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
9.97 hfucker Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
9.98 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
10.00 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
10.05 mcburn Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
10.12 Khytau Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
10.13 Nylar Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
10.15 hfucker Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
10.19 xSonfire Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
10.32 Viru$ Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
10.35 mcburn Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
10.35 froggerfrag Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
10.41 froggerfrag Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
10.50 Nylar Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
10.52 Nylar Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
10.63 Viru$ Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
10.67 xSonfire Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
10.70 TecErazer Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
10.73 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
10.90 mcburn Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
10.93 froggerfrag Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
10.97 xSonfire Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
11.03 froggerfrag Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
11.06 TecErazer Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
11.08 theyarecoming4u Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
11.09 Nylar Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
11.16 Khytau Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
11.18 Vanilleknight Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
11.19 mcburn Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
11.23 theyarecoming4u Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
11.26 Viru$ Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
11.27 hfucker Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
11.28 Czywer Connected
11.34 theyarecoming4u Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
11.37 Nylar Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
11.38 froggerfrag Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
11.40 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
11.42 hfucker Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
11.44 Nylar Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
11.48 mcburn Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
11.49 Nylar Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
11.54 froggerfrag Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
11.62 Czywer Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
11.65 Czywer Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
11.67 theyarecoming4u Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
11.70 xSonfire Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
11.81 hfucker Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
11.90 mcburn Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
11.97 theyarecoming4u Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
11.97 mcburn Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
12.00 Khytau Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
12.02 Khytau Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
12.11 mcburn Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
12.11 xSonfire Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
12.19 hfucker Killed Czywer with an InstaGibbed
12.19 Khytau Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
12.20 Vanilleknight Killed Khytau with an InstaGibbed
12.20 mcburn Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
12.27 Nylar Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
12.28 theyarecoming4u Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
12.29 mcburn Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
12.32 xSonfire Killed theyarecoming4u with an InstaGibbed
12.34 Vanilleknight Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
12.38 Czywer Killed Alienoid with an InstaGibbed
12.38 Nylar Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
12.41 froggerfrag Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
12.42 xSonfire Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
12.46 theyarecoming4u Killed Nylar with an InstaGibbed
12.50 TecErazer Killed Vanilleknight with an InstaGibbed
12.51 mcburn Killed Viru$ with an InstaGibbed
12.52 Khytau Killed TecErazer with an InstaGibbed
12.54 Alienoid Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
12.54 xSonfire Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
12.59 Nylar Killed hfucker with an InstaGibbed
12.67 froggerfrag Killed Czywer with an InstaGibbed
12.70 Nylar Killed froggerfrag with an InstaGibbed
12.71 Viru$ Killed xSonfire with an InstaGibbed
12.78 Nylar Killed mcburn with an InstaGibbed
12.78 Game Ended
12.85 Nylar gg
12.87 hfucker nooooo^^
12.91 froggerfrag gg
12.96 hfucker gg
12.97 Vanilleknight gg bye
12.99 mcburn gg

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