UTzone Stats

Chat Log for *** UTzone.de *** TDMzone | by DNW - DM-Chizra
on Sat, 06. Dec 2008 at 17:16:04
Minutes Player Text
-0.54 Claw Connected
-0.54 Syntax Connected
-0.54 Othello Connected
-0.54 Claw Team Change to Blue Team
-0.54 Syntax Team Change to Blue Team
-0.54 Othello Team Change to Red Team
-0.54 Claw Team Change to Blue Team
-0.54 Syntax Team Change to Blue Team
-0.54 Othello Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.00 xamwolf Connected
0.00 xamwolf Team Change to Red Team
0.57 Othello Killed Claw with a Rocket Launcher
0.68 Syntax Killed Othello with a Link Gun
0.71 xamwolf Killed Syntax with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
1.72 xamwolf Killed Syntax with a Rocket Launcher
1.74 Claw Killed xamwolf with a Flak Cannon
1.78 Othello Killed Claw with a Shock Rifle
2.24 Othello Suicided
2.24 Othello Disconnected
2.37 Petrovitsch Connected
2.37 Petrovitsch Team Change to Blue Team
2.38 Petrovitsch Died from a BattleDamageType_LateEntry
2.47 xamwolf Killed Claw with a Rocket Launcher
2.47 Claw Disconnected
2.47 Cathode Connected
2.47 Cathode Team Change to Red Team
2.47 Cathode Team Change to Red Team
2.58 Cathode Killed Syntax with a Link Gun
3.23 Cathode Killed Syntax with a Rocket Launcher
3.27 Petrovitsch Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
3.63 Petrovitsch Killed xamwolf with a Rocket Launcher
3.92 xamwolf Killed Syntax with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
4.41 Cathode Killed Petrovitsch with a Flak Cannon
4.83 Petrovitsch Killed xamwolf with a Rocket Launcher
4.99 Cathode Killed Petrovitsch with a Flak Cannon
5.01 Cathode Killed Syntax with a Flak Cannon
5.28 Syntax Killed Cathode with a Flak Cannon
5.54 xamwolf Killed Petrovitsch with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
6.16 xamwolf Killed Syntax with a Rocket Launcher
6.70 xamwolf Killed Syntax with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
7.25 Petrovitsch Killed xamwolf with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
7.54 Petrovitsch Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
8.11 Syntax Killed Cathode with a Flak Cannon
8.48 xamwolf Killed Syntax with a Rocket Launcher
8.76 xamwolf Killed Petrovitsch with an UTDmgType_SeekingRocket
9.63 Syntax Killed Cathode with a Rocket Launcher
9.92 Petrovitsch Killed xamwolf with a Rocket Launcher
10.23 Petrovitsch Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
10.41 xamwolf Killed Syntax with a Shock Rifle
10.84 xamwolf Killed Syntax with a Rocket Launcher
11.16 Petrovitsch Killed Cathode with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
11.25 xamwolf Killed Petrovitsch with a Rocket Launcher
11.79 xamwolf Killed Syntax with an UTDmgType_BioGooGib
13.88 Petrovitsch Died from a BattleDamageType_RoundOvertime
13.88 Game Ended

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